A Diary Of A #Mesowarrior living with #Mesothelioma #asbestos – September has been a weird month

September is almost over, where does the time go and why does it always rush to Christmas and creates that mad panic once a year.

Its been a month where Chemo has overtaken my world, with visits to the hospital for bloods and treatment.

I do still enjoy Zoom meetings when I can where I learn so much, I do hope they carry on using this tool.

My fav one is with Andrew Paten Co-Founder at UKNAR – UK National Asbestos Register who wrote in Linked in –

WOW!! I am delighted and astonished – this single upcoming webinar has attracted representation from 5% (1500+) of all the UK’s 32,000 schools. 85 Multi-Academy Trusts, 8 local authorities and 2 dioceses plus dozens of individual schools have registered so far. And we are delighted to have Mavis Nye BEM BCAh Hon DR joining us too. I do enjoy speaking a few words as I explain how I want to see the bar code on every building so Trades people can work in safety knowing where the asbestos is.

I was booked into Contamination Expo. I go every year but this year they decided to have a train strike, so I cancelled and cancelled our hotel. Then sadly the Queen died so the train strike was cancelled. I had booked into chemo so I couldn’t reverse our plans. It has been such a muddle month I can’t wait for September to finish.

It seems like yesterday when we were getting ready to attend the British Demolition Awards 2nd of September 2022.

We travelled up with Kirsty Budenbender Director DSK Environmental Ltd to reach the Leicester Football Stadium for the venue.

It really was a grand night with over 400 people attending and Ben Chambers did a great job MCing the event.

I was honoured to receive the Hall of Fame Award- Asbestos Industry Pioneer and the standing ovation deafening as I walked to the stage. A very happy night.

A Diary Of A #Mesowarrior #asbestos #mesothelioma – My Scan result was brilliant news on such a sad day as we say goodbye to Our Queen.

The picture that sums up the day is the corgis waiting for the queen’s hearse -so sad

Even though it was a Bank Holiday I had an appointment for the results of my scan.

I watched as much as I could of the Queens funeral, but I had to turn the telly off as we had to drive to Canterbury.

The roads were empty we couldn’t believe it and was soon turning into the hospital carpark where they had the telly on in the waiting room, so we carried on watching.

I didn’t see my Oncologist I was called in by a dishy young Doctor who was helping out with the list of patients.

He welcomed me and said that my Oncologist had told him all about my case.

He said that my scan was stable with shrinkage?

I asked about all my organs that were showing thickenings. He told me that the liver, bowel, womb, etc were all clear now but the one in my chest wall had shrink a little but the Meso on my lung lining was stable.

I was cocker hoop!!! Brilliant so the chemo has worked Yippee. Gem/Carbo has worked miracles after Immunotherapy.

I will carry on for another 2sessions to make it 6 sessions, then another scan.

I almost danced out of the hospital