A Diary Of A #Mesowarrior Living With #Mesothelioma #asbestos

Ray and I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas. We are spending it with our family so all the presents are wrapped and ready to be loaded into the car for the off on Christmas Eve.

Its been a hard year what with Chemo trying to push the meso back and then we got the dreaded COVID which shut us down from doing anything. I must admit the wonderful NHS stepped in and the GP phoned me then the hospital phoned me and sent the anti viral tablets that first day. It took 5 days to test negative and then we tested positive again.

I called a halt on my treatment as I couldn’t go to a hospital for chemo. I was also in a bad place mentally.

So much has gone on this year.

Rays blood pressure went right up and blood sugars went up. The GP said it was too much Christmas 2021 and he was right. Ray thinks he can go along as if he didn’t have Diabetes 2. He wont listen to me but he has had to listen to his GP. Well he listened and I got him to eat a Keto diet and his blood sugars went right down.

Then this happened which was a complete shock Mavis Nye has been named as SHP’s Most Influential Individual in health & safety for 2021

We then thought COVID was giving up its hold on us .

March I reported -We had a great escape to Manchester this week as we travelled to Manchester to The MesoUK Ladies Day at the Macdonald Hotel.

Then I had a bad scan result and I wrote :-

I think its time I restart my blog as I go through this next journey.

I had a scan in February and Scanexity came in but we kept busy until today when we went for results.

I was given a print off after discussing the picture of my lung and seeing the growth for myself.

This started 4 Chemo sessions that did shrink Mr Nasty

March we lost my dear elder brother

20/04/2022 The day of my Investiture. A very proud day

We travelled to Chevening House near Sevenoaks for the long awaited BEM ceremony as COVID got in the way .

As we called the Gatehouse on the phone to open the gate and we rolled into the courtyard of this wonderful house we knew it was going to be so special.

May another wonderful day at the Palace for the Garden party

June Asbestonomy Conference

With a heat wave never seen before so very hot and the thermometer going off the scale, I wilted and just had no energy but I did manage to enjoy sitting in the garden in the lovely evenings watching some wonderful sunsets.

We had our MNF Summer event with HASAG which turned out so successful with so many messages from people that they had a great time, which is all that matters and we will make this double event a yearly occasion.

I gave a talk on farming for IOSH. I hadnt realise just how serious asbestos on farms was until I researched and now know that with all the old machinery and old buildings it really is a danger.

Ray finally had his cataract operation done after 3 cancellations because his blood pressure and blood sugars were too high. It was worked out that he was suffering with white coat syndrome and given tablets to take for 2 weeks before the day. So success one eye has been done and its amazing how he can read small print again.

A trip to London was very interesting as we had been invited to a round table in the Church of England head office so thats another building we have been able to see inside. Church House Westminster where the Arch Bishop of Canterbury has his office.

The round table was to discuss Asbestos management but the Government released a statement on the 40 years plan to have asbestos removed from all buildings which is now causing concern and means it has given us another fight to contend with. :-

The Government remains concerned that moving to a fixed deadline for removal would
increase the opportunity for exposure which remains difficult to support if the current
risk of exposure is very low where asbestos can be managed safely in situ until planned
refurbishment works. The use of many public estates would also be significantly disrupted
by a removal deadline if this were introduced outside existing estates strategies. There
also remains a concern that introducing a deadline would stimulate poor removal and
disposal practices with a further risk of increase in asbestos exposures.
The Government agrees we need to understand more about the likely rate of elimination
due to current levels of asbestos removal though planned refurbishment and demolition.
National modelling carried out by the HSE as part of the forthcoming Post Implementation
Review of CAR, whilst based on estimates, indicates that there will be a substantial
reduction in the numbers of buildings containing asbestos over the next few decades.
HSE is also planning research to utilise digital information to more accurately define the
scale and location of buildings likely to contain asbestos and this evidence can be used to
inform future work and priorities

The full report is here https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm5803/cmselect/cmworpen/633/report.html

A train strike stopped us going to a meet up with HASAG yesterday, although the strike was on Wednesday the time tables were messed up with the station not opening until 7.30 and trains not in the right places. Chaos is being caused and another strike tomorrow (Saturday) chaos will reign over the weekend.

This was the start of many strikes that have really messed my life up this year

So very pleased to announce The Mavis Nye Foundation and in partnership with Hasag Asbestos Disease Support are together Funding a Mesothelioma UK Nurse We need more Nurses that understand Mesothelioma An exciting day for The Mavis Nye Foundation and its partnership with Hasag Asbestos Disease Support

The Foundation is also donating for a Second MesoUk Nurse Kate Slaven at Papworth Hospital, with Robin Bennet of Start Software

Demolition Hubs great night at Leicester Football Stadium.

Amsterdam EAF Event of the year.

Have a great Christmas and here’s to a wonderful 2023 things have to get better xx

The diary of a #Mesowarrior #living with #mesothelioma #asbestos

Winter Wonderland in Glasow.

We travelled to Scotland on Friday. All day travelling shattered us, but we made Glasgow after 3 trains and 2 taxis but such kindness shown to 2 old codgers by so many people. Taking my case off the train or up steps was such a great help. We have got to agree to any kindness shown as people get hurt if we say no, bless them.

We had made the journey as easy as we could by going to Kings Cross and train to Edinburgh then with minutes to spare, we got straight onto the train to Glasgow. A fun fare greeted us so pretty.

We arrived at the Hilton Glasgow where we were joining Action Asbestos and their Winter Wonderland Christmas Event the next afternoon-evening.

Off to the restaurant for a much-needed dinner It was very high class, and we thanked the chef.

Off to bed and slept until 9 the next morning. I never sleep in like that! We sneaked into breakfast oh yes, we ate the Haggis.

The waiter stood and talked to us for some time as he was English so with that we went back to the room and chilled out.

We got showered and changed to go downstairs where we sat and watched the young waiters pouring all the Champagne into the flutes.

Gradually people arrived and so many knew Ray and me which was amazing as we had only met on social media.

Soon we were all sitting down and eating. then the presentations. Phyllis presented me with a wonderful bouquet of flowers trying to hold back the tears for her kind words and I did manage to get the words of thanks out, I’m getting too emotional these days.

Soon all the eating was over, and the band struck up We went outside as I wanted to talk to Keven Blyth as I have seen him on Zoom so many times but never met up with. We had a great chat together then we spoke too other people that knew me so it was all very enjoyable.

Action on Asbestos Tweeted :-

Grateful thanks to Mr Donald Findlay for his efforts on behalf of those with an asbestos disease. Also, great big thank you to

@TalkToThompsons for sponsoring the lovely meal and last but not least our greatest thanks to Ryan Mutter for donating such a wonderful painting.

So pleased everyone is having a great time. Awarded £500,000 tonight. Kind donations from some very good family and friends. All for a great cause #mesothelioma

That painting was wonderful and yet so haunting

Phyllis is here with the Highest Bidder £7and a half thousand– Ray has a long way to go to sell his for that price ha!ha!

We did give in and go to bed reluctantly, but we were so happy and had had a great time. Thank you, Action, on asbestos it was so well-organized you did great work and raised Half a million in donations with Auction. Congratulations!!!!

We woke up next morning and had breakfast booked out then went by taxi to get the train 9.30am

Straight on a train too Edinburgh and then on a train to Kent we were home by 6pm which was faster than the outward journey.

The kettle went straight on. Now just a happy memory xx

Spot Liz and Faye Mesothelioma UK