A Diary Of A #mesowarrior Living With #mesothelioma #asbestos — Zoom has kept me sane in this mad world.

This has been my world lately. I have been into every meeting I can, sometimes 3 a day. Its just so lovely to see people and be involved in conversations.

The Mavis Nye Foundation is doing a Zoom meeting Combined with HASAG if you would like to join please send me your email address

We Are setting up a Zoom Meeting to have a chat about all things Mesothelioma. The Mavis Nye Foundation is partnering with HASAG to provide support to mesothelioma sufferers in Kent so please join in on Monday 8th Feb 2021 at 11am to 12 noon. It is open to everyone in the UK.Email mavisnye@yahoo.co.uk to be sent a link.

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I need to keep sane with Rays Lymphoma returning. But i must admit they have not hung around and with home telephone calls and hospital appointments he is back on the mend.

I know know what it is like for him having to sit outside in the car as he has gone for treatment and I couldnt go in with him.

I had the radio on as the evening darkened around me.

Ray has had Radiotherapy and Im proud of the positive vibes he has shown.

He has rested well and the lumps and bumps of the Lymphoma have been shrinking. Unlike my hidden cancer we can see his and so it is good to see the results of treatment with our own eyes.

Life is going on and we have longer daylight hours so we know Spring is on its way.

I bought Daffodils in bud in my on line shopping this week and its lovely to see the yellow flowers. Life will get better we must just be a little more patient.

My Donate Page – Mavis Nye Foundation

A Diary Of A Mesowarrior #asbestos #mesothelioma -The COVID Vaccine in in my veins brilliant

Yesterday was a good day

Ray had taken a phone call last week to say he had to attend the Medical Centre for his COVID Vaccination and I was so jealous until a Mesowarrior told me to ask if they had any cancellations. So I altered my shopping delivery and told Ray I would come with him.

I was looking on our local Whitstable Face Book and there was a picture of the traffic queue to get into the centre so we set off earlier.

I was out in the fresh air only it was cold air, but I was out which is such a rare occasion at the moment.

Traffic where was the traffic?? We sailed through until we got to Estuary View and then we joined the queue but we were so happy to be there. It snaked all around car park just like the queues at the airport, it meant that everyone was able to get off the main road and not hold any traffic up that was passing through.

I started to get nervous as we approached the large covered area, What if they said no! The Royal Marsden wanted me to have it so I was clear for any trial that might appear, That kept me determined to ask.

A doctor approached and asked was it both and so I said I only 79 and have Cancer could I join in. Yes that was possible he said as we finish at 4 and we have enough vaccine. I was over the moon.

As Ray was the driver he needed to stay after the injection for 15mins so we were guided to the Portacabin and had to park up.

In this new queue we waited for our turn and then we sat down, answered all the questions and that was it on jab was in my arm, The miracle vaccine was on its way to do its work and make antibodies to knock this Pandemic that has changed everything we know as normal life.

Ray was soon done and we sat out in the car for our 15 mins.

Everyone was in a good mood and so much laughing it was just good to see.

I would like to thank all those that worked to get this day to happen. From the scientists, drug companies, those first patients that went through the trials, the fast tracing that was done was just brilliant and then a Huge thank you to everyone in the NHS but then a huge thank you to our local surgeries and all involved.

First pictures from inside a Kent vaccination centre show just how busy it is – Kent Live

A Diary of A Mesowarrior #asbestos #mesothelioma — Happy New Year 2021 is at last with us its a new world.

So we are now in the first week of the year 2021. I hope things improve but sadly we are now seeing so many friends and their families falling to COVID with this new variant and that means another lock down.

We had a very quiet Christmas and Im so pleased I got Netflex for company. I watched the whole series of The Crown and then many other brilliant films. I have never ever watched so much. Normally we are away in the Motorhome and always see New Year in at a site meeting. Oh how our life has changed !!

I went to the Royal Marsden for my scan and poor Ray had to stay in the car in the old for over 3 hours.

I said to a nurse that it causes so much tension for the patients leaving their carers in the car park and guess what? My phone wouldn’t work so I couldn’t let Ray know that I was having a long wait to have my port opened and then closed. I didn’t know I could get so mentally worked up. I know now.

I have trapped a nerve in my back so I was having a problem lifting my legs on and off the scan table. I was convincing myself the cancer was growing well on my spine. In my mind I’m was dying this is it I thought 2021 will see me leaving my wonderful world and my wonderful family. I talked myself into it.

So when I got a phone call yesterday saying we dont want you to travel all the way to the Marsden for the results will you take it on the phone. Well that was it I was right. Then i realised the Doctor was saying The scan was good its not changed to much from last time. Wow!! the blood rushed in my ears I could hear it throbbing. “How much has it grown” “1mm in just one area.”

Wonderful news so because of COVID they don’t want treatment to start as it is growing so slowly I can have my next scan at Kent and Canterbury and I can have my port cleaned as well so we can relax for a while and concentrate on Rays Lymphoma. He has appointments and will have Radiotherapy. The hospitals are so worried about putting patients into chemo.

So that’s the start of my year normally I look back on the year that has passed but 2020 has been the weirdest year for us all. Zooming is the in word and you on mute !! is the funniest sentence,

I have a wardrobe of clothes that are not being worn a poor car that doesn’t want to start it coughs to life when we turn the key. We have saved so much money as the fuel bill is zilch and also no train expenses.

I did join Manchester’s Well being meet and Joanne from DAST did a great move it or lose it on Zoom. It worked really well and at least I have moved.

I have been sitting this morning entering Dates in the Diary and Ray and I have written speeches for the Training Zoom dates we have so we carry on Zooming and Netflex this is our new world. Please stay safe XX

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