My diary A wasted day

We had to take the car in for its MOT yesterday and we got there in plenty of time.

As they said it would take 2 hours it was decided by the pair of us to take Louis for a walk on up to Tankerton which we did.

The wind was blowing so cold though that I suggested we should jump on a bus and travel to Hernebay.

It was an interesting journey as the bus goes down roads we have never been so we had a good old nose as we looked out of the window.

When we got to Hernebay the time had gone so we crossed over the road and jumped on the next bus back.

On arriving at the garage exactly 2 hours had pass and we felt real clever with ourselves only to be told by the garage owner that the computers were down so he couldn’t register the car with the DVLA  and it will have to be booked in again for another day. Bah!!!!!

With that we set off for Tesco and ray got our 3 Anniversary cakes done with 3 different photos on them for our party at Hamble Saturday.

They are very well done and we are pleased with them and have tucked them safely in the Motorhome for the journey.

Today we are off to shop for all the non perishables party foods so we will be busy today.

A few twinges of pain in the shoulder and back and by my heart so I have to make a coffee and take my Paracetamol but it doesn’t worry me now I know the Oncologist has said it is to be expected.

I wish the sun would come out again as life is happier when the sun shines.

Artex info

For those that dont know about Asbestos in Artex here is good Info

Artex is a trade name for a ‘stipple finish surface’.
Lots of local companies will remove it for you at cost. In the industry we assume it is dangerous and don’t touch it at all, we test it. The test takes around 10 days to be discovered clear or not.

All ‘Artex’ has been free of asbestos for around 20-30 years now, so if it is new-ish then it will be clear. If you don’t know how old it is, then you can get it tested. So use your judgement, if your house was built in 1990, then it will be clear!

Take caution if you suspect it has been there a long time. Asbestos generaly kills around 25-40 years after exposure, and it is the small dust particals that go deepest into the lung, that can cause a mesothelioma cancer, or lung function problems. There are different colours of asbestos, under a microscope the particles are either brown white or blue, all are fatal, all must be treated respectfully. Exposure will not harm you next week! But it is something you must bare in mind.

Tests cost around £30 per room, and local companies will test it for you. If you own your property and want to get rid of the stuff cheaply, I suggest you do the following.

Use a wallpaper steamer, steam it off carefully, get it very wet. Whilst it is wet it is harmless, and ‘Artex’ contains low levels of asbestos dust anyway, but still dangerous amounts.

As it is the dust that causes ill health, I would remove it wet, and steam it gently. Take your time and bag it up and seal the bags closed. Take them to the local tip and tell them they may be asbestos.
Red asbestos bags are available from GOOD suppliers of construction equipment, they will have ‘asbestos do not open’ written on them.

If you don’t feel comfortable doing this in your home, then call an expert in.

At the moment there is nothing stopping you from removing it should you wish from a point of law. Never dump the substance rubbish though.

If the ‘Artex’ is in good condition, and not cracking up or flaking off, I would leave it.

If you really want to remove it, do it in such a way as not to create any dust. Bag it up whilst it is still damp, and add a small amount of water to each bag and seal the bag.


Expert in asbestos and construction assessment.

More info on Schools Asbestos

The mention of the word “asbestos” conjures up pictures of factories, mines, shipyards, and construction sites where exposure to asbestos was once commonplace. This resulted in an abundance of individuals who now suffer from asbestos-related diseases, sometimes 30-40 years after they were exposed to the toxic material.

What many individuals don’t realize, however, is exposure to asbestos occurred and continues to occur in myriad other places besides the dank mines and factories of yesteryear, where little regard was given to the health of workers who came in contact with asbestos. Indeed, asbestos is in public buildings throughout the U.S. and other countries, causing harm to those who would never expect that they’re being exposed to this toxic material.

My Diary –camped at the Newbury Motohome show.

We set off last thursday for the Newbury motorhome show but we got caught up in so many traffic jams going and coming home which made 7 accidents we had to pass.

I motorcyclist has definitely been killed at West Malling And the other accidents must have had serious injuries so I do wish the would drive more sensible nowadays.

We had a lovely time at newbury rallying with my cyber friends of the MHFacts and i enjoyed meeting lots of friends again.

We sat all together in the field drinking, eating and had lots of fun and games.

Bill came on Saturday with Betty and their Grandaughter and we went to the drinks tent where we  sat with a beer and chatting away like we were old friends.

Then we came back to my Motorhome for a cuppa and to show it off as Bill wants to buy a small one so he could see how much space there is.

I have loved camping in her as she is very easy to keep clean and tidy and yet has everything in her to make it a great time.

We said our goodbyes and i will miss him but will be in contact when he is back in Saudi.

I had wanted to go to Wales after the show but we had to get back for my hospital appointment today.

We got up early today and went to Canterbury to do our shopping first and the get the little hospital bus.

I sat there very nervous and I knew Ray was worried to.

There were other people going in and then coming out with either good or bad news so there were smiles or tears and I began to wonder what I would come out like.

Well it was smiles –The result is that the disease is stable.

The Oncologist cant believe the life I’m living the life Im living as she just hasnt known a patient like it –she said.
I told her I have a new motorhome and have been camping every weekend with lots planned in the next 3 months–she is just amazed and asked me how do I wish to proceed.
I said with scans every 3 months is that a problem??
Oh no!!!but some patients dont want to know how its doing —I said I want to know the minute it starts up again and then you can deal with it.
How could anyone not want to know???
So thats how it is left I will get an appointment again in 3 months.
She said all the pain Im getting is normal as the Lung is a painful area to operate on and the pain in my heart that I get is normal so just take a paracetamol.
We came out elated that we went for a dinner and raised a glass.
My nasty is having a battle and Im winning at the moment.
I have had a phonecall from my Son who is in Spain for a holiday so he is settled now that MUM is ok— Bless him that really please’s him so now he can relax and enjoy Spain with his girlfriend xx

My nutter of a friend --Linda

Louis and Me


My wonderful friend Bill and his lovely family

My Diary– It has been a really happy day with the neighbours.

What a day today it has been a really very happy day.

It started with me cleaning my windows (I begged ray to let me so he did all the housework indoors)

I chatted to the couple opposite as they sat on their bench in the early sun as they so often do.

We were talking about the price of Calor Gas and my new MotorHome.

Then I finished the windows and I went to see my neighbour and had a long chat and a laugh as her daughter is also an artist and Ray loves her drawing of a Greyhound that they used to have.

We took the dog for an earlier walk on the beech where I bumped into several friends and nattered away about this and that.

We finally got home but I fancied some Ice cream so I went over the shops on my own realising I hadnt been over since I was first diagnosed as Ray does all the shopping now.

I had a long talk with another neighbour who was cutting her grass.

In the afternoon well after lunch Dave next door came out cutting his grass and we were watching out of the window and he never saw us.

Dave our wonderful neighbour xx

When he finally stopped we clapped and he realised then that we had been watching the man at work.

Once again we had a long natter and a laugh –he is really a lovely friend.

So that has been my day I’m worn out with all the talking and laughing I wish the sun shone every day and the neighbours come out.

We are off to newbury tomorrow so will be back on Sunday then to the Hospital Monday for the results of my scan.

I have been telling everyone but that’s because I’m so nervous as nothing must stand in my way of enjoying my life as it is the best at the moment as i work through my wish list.

My Diary I have been Interviewed

What an exciting day this has been, as the Local Paper have been to see me and I have been interviewed and the reporter, Julie Collins, has taken down all my life history.

The photographer had me outside my Parkhome, taking so many photos of this way and that, I was so embarrassed in front of my neighbours.

Julie, from the Whitstable Times, was so sweet and was able to ask so many questions but I got so tongue tied as it is very difficult to remember so much of ones life and to get it all correct.

I think we did well and she was writting down every word as I spoke about our Golden Wedding and our children, my first record and our Motorbikes and my Meso. I cant wait to read the article in the paper.

Ray has been busy putting in a bracket for the flat screen TV in the M/H– all these little jobs take a time don’t they.

I took the dog for a walk, as I knew we were having visitors at 2pm and on the way back a delivery man went off leaving a parcel on the ground, so I picked it up and walked round and delivered it –I don’t know it gets worse.

 I passed my neighbours house and she had blown the Electric so I found Ray and he sorted it all out for her.

Mike opposite was cleaning her windows for her which is a good deed done.

But it has been a good day and I love surprises.

My Diary Exciting times

Amazing Local paper has contacted me to do an Interview so I want it all about Meso and the dangers of Asbestos —very happy tonight.

That was a surprise, as I received an Email from our Local paper right out of the blue.

I don’t know how they have found me, so pleased they have, as at last I can really do something useful for all my fellow sufferer’s and that is to tell our story.

I have so many Cyber friends on Facebook and Macmillian and we are disappearing one by one as victims to this cruel disease.

I have been lucky so far as I was given 4mths to 2 years and I’m at 1 year now, thanks to the fact I’m in the trials of Guys Hospital and the Talc Op and the trails of the 2 Chemo’s.

I have one huge Tumour and loads of seeded baby one’s that could spring into life at anytime.

So I will really enjoy being interviewed.

We have had a very sunny day today and it was great to go out with just a cardigan on and flip flops.

We took the dog to Tankerton and he had a good walk, with me throwing a stick for him, then we put him in the car and drove to Hernebay as we wanted to get a dog bowl that we can kick in the M’h and it doesn’t soak everything.

Well as we pulled up at the sea front a huge black cloud was coming from the sea but we still walked to the High Street–couldn’t get the bowl but the heavens opened and it sleeted down and then carried one raining.

We got soaked as I sloped in my flip flops back to the car —I was not a happy bunny and neither was the dog.

We put the car heated full on and went to Tesco to shop and to dry out.

Came home to a steaming cup of Coffee.

The sun has been shinning away ever since–isn’t that just the way

My Diary What a great weekend.

I have had a great weekend away at a rally in Westerham with the MCC.

A great village that has so much history

The village of Westerham has evolved for more than 1000 years from “Domesday and Pilgrims Way, to Motorway”, into the town it is today.
Close to London and the M25, Westerham is privileged to be surrounded by woodlands and open space, and seems to be built on “on a hill in a valley”.

Over the centuries, a variety of talented and famous people have been drawn to live in Westerham. Their legacy is here for us to enjoy. Westerham today is a lively town with lots to do, many unusual shops – and wonderful places to eat and drink.

Chartwell House is within walking distance.

Bought by Sir Winston Churchill for its magnificent views over the Weald of Kent, Chartwell was his home and the place from which he drew inspiration from 1924 until the end of his life. The rooms remain much as they were when he lived here, with pictures, books and personal mementoes evoking the career and wide-ranging interests of this great statesman. The hillside gardens reflect Churchill’s love of the landscape and nature. They include the lakes he created, Lady Churchill’s Rose Garden and the kitchen garden. Many of Churchill’s paintings can be seen in the studio.

Our Rally started on Friday night and and it was so good to meet up with old and new friends

and we had a good chin wag.

Saturday we strolled all around Westerham with Louis and went down alleyways and narrow roads finding something interesting wherever we went.

The weather came over cloudy so we had an indoor barbie and then another good chinwag where I caught up on all the gossip.

Dave the chef

Dave has had a heart transplant and is one of the longest living and he is a marvel always entertaining and caring for others.

He had an itch to due to medication so we spent the weekend scratching together. ha!ha!

The evening we had cheese and wine and just a good time was had by all.

6pm this morning a bang was heard like a shot gun and I discovered that Ken and Di had blown their chimney off their Motorhome when they lit their gas fire, this has caused a lot of amusement as that has happened to us before when the fire didn’t light first time and then on the next spark –bang– the excess gas blows.

The snobs (I think they are me friends) ha!ha!

We have said our goodbyes and we are home with the washing on and I have to cook a dinner but really I should be on a diet as we have eaten so much food this weekend.

My itching has carried on all weekend how embarrassing but it does look better now just more like a prickly heat rash.