A Diary Of A Mesowarrior living with #Mesothelioma #asbestos — No Party for me just a Port fitted









Happy birthday to me on the 27th but I didn’t see much of it. Off to the Marsden to have a Port fitted !!!easy !!! WRONG!!

We got up at 4am to get on the road for 5.30am as the appointment was 7.30am

Lucky the hold ups weren’t to bad but the road was packed as it was the first day after the bank Holiday.

We had a great one as the sun shone and we also sold our Motor Home as we knew that time would come on day and feel it is the right time now.

We arrived and went to the ward but I was told we had been booked into Robert Tiffany ward.

We arrived a the Private Ward and it was very nice lots of nurses to make sure I settled in and socks on as well as a gown. Met the Doctor and then the long long wait.

I had been nil by mouth for 6pm the night before and no drinks after 6am Tuesday. We were so bored watching telly.

They finally came up for me 1.15pm.

I could have had extra hours at home.

The doctors were good and explained all the op and I had a cover over my head as he went just under my shoulder blade. I drifted off to sleep so I didn’t know much more and came back around while he was stitching me up.

You received local anaesthesia during your port placement. As the anaesthesia wears off, you may feel some pain and discomfort from your procedure. The site where your catheter was placed may be sore, bruised, minimally swelling or slightly bleeding. …Pain medicine works better if you take it before the pain gets bad.

They insert the port under the skin, usually on your chest, and the attached tube goes into a vein near the heart. You can see a small bump underneath your skin where the port is. A special needle is passed through your skin into the port to give your chemotherapy into the vein.

So judging by that info everything went well.

I was returned back to the ward and arrangements were made for a Xray to make sure it was in the right position.

I went for that Xray at 3.30 and had to wait for the results which were “Yes its in the right position”

I got dressed and went to Oak ward for bloods to be taken and it worked well.

I waited for the Doctor to come and see us but he wanted to wait for blood results.

“Please let me go home if there is anything wrong I promise to come back tomorrow”

I have been up since 4am I have been through all the hanging around for the Op with no food no water I truly have had enough. In fact I was near to rears with exhaustion.

as we walked out at 6pm.

Ray paid the parking £14.00 and I fell into the car.

There was an accident on the M25 and rubber neckers held our side up. We arrived in doors at 8.30pm.

As I said to my son I cant complain as what option  have I if I say this is to much I die earlier than I need to.

I slept all next day Wednesday was a blur to me. I had taken regular Paracetamol to dull the pain.

Today Im awake at last the pain has subsided. I do recommend a Port to a PICC Line honest.

I had so many Birthday Cards and messages on Face Book also lovely Flowers and presents cam through the post







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