A Diary of a Mesowarrior Living With #Mesothelioma #asbestos -Such a busy time life on the computer is hectic

Im really lagging behind on my blog postings aren’t I.

Stuck at home for exactly a year seems strange saying I have been busy, but I have. The cyber world is working hard at getting people involved in meetings.

Every day I get an invitation to do a interview or a a podcaste so each day Im learning something new.

Our first combined group meeting with HASAG and The Mavis Nye Foundation was a great success with mesowarriors, nurses and lawyers was very well attended so it is now set up for monthly events. The next one is March 8th.

Simon Bolten is presenting a paper at iMIG in May which is exciting as He is financed by the Research Grant The Mavis Nye Foundation has presented to him.

Action Meso Day is coming together well through lots of meetings where lots of idea’s are thrown into the pot and agreed. Lots of fun getting everyone under the one umbrella to join up and become one voice.

Please sign up and join in the champagne we need everyone to join in


Ray and I have joined a Research group in Sheffield to help with a Patient Carer group, Patient and Public involvement and engagement with Dr Julie Hedayioglu who is a psychologist at the National Institute for Health Research.sounded interesting tp share our journey.

Wow, what an incredible digital asbestos spotlight! 🙌

The speakers Yvonne Waterman, Founder & President of The European Asbestos Forum, Dr Mavis Nye, President & Co-Founder at Mavis Nye Foundation, Andrew Paten, Co-Founder at UKNAR – UK National Asbestos Register, Andy Newitt, Account Manager of Calcot Asbestos Recruitment Ltd, Nathalie van de Poel MBA, Co-Owner of Purified Metal Company, and all attendees for coming to this session made it a great time

On Thursday we listened into the Contamination Expo, which if you have read my blogs over the years I have visited in London and Birmingham.

I love this conference as I meet up with all my contacts on Linkedin

Those were the days but this year the Contamination Expo was well run by the team and I was involved with a recorded Interview

by Piage Mynard and thank you Daniel Rogers and the entire Contamination & Geotech Expo team who worked so hard on this and we’re so glad that so many enjoyed the Digital Spotlight!

The feedback on my speech has really made me happy thank you for all the compliments it always pleases me and makes me know Im doing the right thing sharing my journey xx here is the recording ASBESTOS SPOTLIGHT – Contamination & Geotech Expo 2021 – The UK’s leading event for Contamination, Geotechnical, and Environmental professionals (contaminationexpo.com)

I had had a telephone appointment with my Oncologist and she agreed I need my port flushed.

So Friday I was able to break away from the house and visit my hospital to have the flush which was all done within 30 mins the quickest hospital appointment I have been too

So that is a catch up for more read our newspaper Front Page | MNF News Page (wixsite.com)

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